Competitor Information

Welcome to all Competitors!

Thank you for entering the 2025 Hamilton Eisteddfod. Whether it’s your first time at the event or you compete each year, we’re pleased to have you join us.

We were proud to celebrate our 60th competition last year, so you’re joining a well-established and trusted event. We will provide you with a great venue in which to showcase your skills. Our highly regarded adjudicators will give you positive feedback on your performances. You’ll have opportunities to win prize money and medals, as well as scholarships to the Australian Ballet Summer School. Just as importantly, you’ll have opportunities to make new friends and watch great performances by students just like you.

Find out how to submit your entry below, and then browse through the rest of the page to help you prepare. We look forward to seeing you in June!

Leeanne Barber
President, City of Hamilton Eisteddfod Inc

Leeanne Barber

Leeanne Barber, President

Enter the Hamilton Eisteddfod

Entries Open: Monday 3 March 2025
Entries Close: Midnight on Monday 7 April 2025

Competitors or their teachers can enter the Hamilton Eisteddfod using the Stardom online entry system. Follow the steps below to submit your entry.

Entries are now open

Read the Competition Schedule

View the Competition Schedule for your discipline, and make note of the sections you would like to enter (you will need to know the section number/s to complete your entry).

Schedules can be found on the Music, Dance and Speech and Drama competition pages respectively.

Read the General Conditions

The Hamilton Eisteddfod General Conditions describe the rules and guidelines that competitors must agree to.

Please read this document carefully before applying, and note that the conditions may change from year to year.

Submit your entry via Stardom

When you’re ready to submit your entry, login to the Stardom website. If you haven’t used Stardom before, you will need to create an account.

View our instructions on how to apply via Stardom, or go straight to the Stardom website.


What Happens Next?

  1. Confirmation Email/Invoice: After you submit your entry on Stardom, you will receive an invoice/receipt by email. This email confirms your entry or entries, and lists their details. Please check the details immediately. If you did not pay via credit card within Stardom, you will also be asked to pay at this point.
  2. Official Accompanist Arrangements: If you requested the Official Accompanist in your Stardom entry, you will be contacted by the Eisteddfod committee closer to the Eisteddfod, to discuss arrangements.
  3. Running Sheet (When you’ll perform): Around 3-4 weeks after entries close, the Eisteddfod committee publishes ‘Running Sheets’ providing the timetable of when each section will compete.

Competitors can login to Stardom again any time before entries close to make changes or corrections to their entry.

Arrive Prepared

We look forward to seeing you at the Hamilton Performing Arts Centre on the day of your performance.

You will need to go to the Registration Desk in the main foyer of the PAC before the start of each session in which you will perform.

The Registration Desk opens at least 30 minutes before each session begins (you can check your session time on the Running Sheet, when it becomes available).

What to bring to the Registration Desk

Below is a summary of what to bring when you register on competition day. Refer to the General Conditions and Competition Schedule to check for any other specific requirements for your section.

All competitors
  • Bring your Section Number and Competitor Number for that section
    Your Competitor Number comes from the order of competitors in the section. (For example, if you are listed as performing third, your Competitor Number is 3). This information can be found in the program, or by logging into STARDOM in the final weeks leading up to the Eisteddfod.
    Have this information ready, and make sure these two numbers are written clearly on any music, etc which you need to hand in.
Music sections
  • Bring a labelled copy of each piece of music you will perform (preferably a full score, not set parts)
    Sheet music must be handed in at the Registration Desk for all music sections except for Modern Vocal, Animated Movie Vocal, Rock Bands and Original Compositions where a Lyric/Chord Sheet may be sufficient.
    – Mark bar numbers at the beginning of each line of sheet music.
    – Write your Section Number and Competitor Number at the top of the music.
  • If you are using the Official Accompanist, make sure you bring another copy of your sheet music to give to them (in the correct key)
  • If you are using a backing track, bring a backup copy of this recording
    Recorded backing tracks (no backing vocals, instrumental only) may be used for Instrumental and Choral sections, Modern Vocal and Animated Movie Vocal. You will need to have already uploaded your recording to the Stardom system (see General Condition 55), and we recommend you bring a backup copy to the Eisteddfod, on a device (eg. phone, USB).
Piano and Electone ‘Special Sections’ and Original Composition Sections
  • Piano and Electone ‘Special Sections’: Bring a signed statement from your teacher
    Sections 1 and 30 require competitors to submit a signed statement from their teacher declaring that they have had no more than 18 months’ tuition on any instrument.
  • Original Composition Sections: Bring a signed statement from your teacher/mentor
    Sections 118, 119 and 120 require competitors to submit a signed statement from their teacher or mentor verifying originality of the composition.
Orchestral and Band sections
  • Bring your group’s stage plan
    Competitors in orchestral and band sections must submit a stage plan to the Registration Desk. Check the section information in the Music Schedule to determine whether a stage plan is needed for your section.
    State the number of chairs and music stands required and the layout of these.
Dance sections
  • Bring a backup copy of your recorded music for your backing track (if required)
    You will need to have already uploaded your recording to the Stardom system (see General Condition 55), and we recommend you bring a backup copy to the Eisteddfod, on a device (eg. phone, USB).
Speech & Drama sections
  • Printout of your performance item
    A copy of the item you will perform must be submitted at the Registration Desk. This means the words of your poem, rhyme, monologue, script etc. The item must be on an A4 piece of paper, and clearly legible.

    Write your Section Number and Competitor Number at the top of this piece of paper.

Remember to bring any instruments, props and costumes you require for your performance also – you’ll take these backstage with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most commonly asked questions from our competitors. We hope that the questions and answers below can help you also.


I can’t find a section I am looking for on Stardom. Can you help?
You can find all the section details in our Competition Schedules here on the website. Just go to the Eisteddfod Details page you’re interested in (Music, Dance or Speech & Drama) to view or print the appropriate Schedule.

If you’ve looked up this information in the Schedule before you start your entry in Stardom, it will make the process much easier.

I’m having problems with the Stardom entry system. What do I do?

Firstly, we suggest you read the ‘Instructions on How to Enter’ document. This guides you step by step through the Stardom system.

If you have a question about the rules or criteria for a section you’d like to enter, look up the section in the Competition Schedule, and also check the General Conditions. If you still can’t find what you need, please contact our committee for assistance.

If you are having a technical issue with the Stardom system, please contact the Stardom support team:

Phone: (03) 5444 2610

If an invoice has already been sent to you, please quote the invoice number in your enquiry, so we can find your entry quickly.

Can I enter consecutive sections in Piano?

General Condition 25 states that a student may enter in only two consecutive grades of Music in the current Eisteddfod. This condition does not apply to age group sections so it is possible to enter consecutive age group sections.

What is a 'Novice'?

General Condition 33 states that a ‘Novice’ is a competitor who has never won a first, second or third prize in any solo genre at any age level in any eisteddfod as of the Hamilton Eisteddfod closing date for entries.

(That is, if you have ever won a prize for dancing you are not a ‘Novice’ for the purpose of the Hamilton Eisteddfod).

Is there is a Neo Dance Section?

There are now dedicated Neo Classical Dance sections in the Hamilton Eisteddfod. Lyrical dance sections may include modern and neo modern.

I submitted my entry, but I realise I made a mistake. Can I correct it?

If you discover a mistake before entries close, you can log into Stardom again and make changes to correct the error yourself.

If you discover a mistake after entries close, please email our committee ( and provide your competitor details and the required changes. Changes after entries close incur an adjustment fee – refer to the General Conditions for details.

I missed the closing date. Is there a way to submit a late entry?

Late entries will only be considered when a written case is presented to the Executive, outlining exceptional circumstances. An additional late fee may be incurred.

Refer to General Condition 11 for details.


What payment options are available for my entry fee?

The preferred payment method is credit card.

Payment may also be made by Cheque or Direct Deposit, and details for both of these methods are provided when you submit your entry in Stardom. When using Direct Deposit, please quote your invoice number.

I paid for my entry via Direct Debit. Why does Stardom still list it as unpaid?

It can take up to a week for direct debit payments to show in Stardom, because our Treasurer needs to review payments and update this information manually. We appreciate your patience – entry time is a busy period for our committee.


How do I know what day and time I will perform?
The Competition Running Sheets list which sections will perform in each session of each day at the Eisteddfod.

These Running Sheets are published on the website, as soon as the program has been finalised (this is usually around 3-4 weeks after entries close). When they are available, they can be found on the Music Competition page, Dance Competition page and Speech & Drama Competition page respectively.

Is an accompanist provided?

For Music competitions, you can choose to bring an accompanist with you, or book our Official Accompanist if required.

You will need to request the Official Accompanist when you enter via Stardom, and a small fee applies for each section. Refer to the General Conditions for details.

If you request the Official Accompanist, we will contact you closer to the time of the Eisteddfod to make arrangements (a rehearsal may be arranged if required).

Can I use a microphone for my vocal performance?

As outlined in General Condition 31, microphones (provided) can be used in all Modern Vocal Sections, Animated Movie Vocal, Rock Bands and Jazz Ensemble Open.

Please note that microphones are not permitted in any other section in the Music competition.

Can I use a recorded backing track for my performance?

A backing track may be used for all Dance sections.
In Music sections, a backing track may only be used for Instrumental and Choral sections, Modern Vocal and Animated Movie Vocal (no other vocal sections are allowed to use backing tracks). The backing track can contain instrumental backings only, and no backing vocals.

Backing tracks must be uploaded to the Stardom system – instructions and deadlines will be provided to applicable entrants. (Refer to General Condition 55.)


As a teacher, can I enter all my students and groups at once in Stardom?

Yes, you can. Once you have created your own Stardom user account, you will be able to add different competitors and groups to your profile. This means that with a single Stardom login, you can manage multiple entries. These different competitors/groups will stay in your Stardom account for future entries too.


Where can I get a copy of the program?
You can order a program at the time you submit your entry, on the ‘Extras’ page in Stardom.

Programs are also available for purchase at several Hamilton locations closer to the start of the Eisteddfod. This includes Robinson’s Sportscene, Hamilton PAC and Hamilton Visitor Information Centre.

Go to our ‘Attend the Eisteddfod‘ page for program prices (note that programs ordered through Stardom and delivered to you include a small additional P&P fee – prices are given in Stardom).

Why haven't I received emails from the Eisteddfod?

Always check the junkmail folder in your email account, as emails often go astray here.