2021 Hamilton Eisteddfod planning has begun
We’re delighted to announce that preparations are underway for the 58th Annual Hamilton Eisteddfod.
The Committee is optimistic that the Eisteddfod will be able to go ahead in 2021.
Thank you to everyone who completed our recent survey and shared their thoughts with us about a 2021 event. An overwhelming 93% of respondents indicated that they would enter the Eisteddfod next year, so the committee is doing its best to make sure our much-celebrated event goes ahead.
Of course, our first priority is the safety of everyone involved. We have the support of the Hamilton Performing Arts Centre, who will work with us to make sure that we meet all COVID-safe requirements.
While we’re planning the event in its traditional format, it is possible that we will need to make some changes depending on restrictions at the time. We are particularly aware of our group competitors, such as those in our choral and dance troupe sections. We hope that we don’t need to adjust our schedules or cancel any sections, but we will monitor circumstances carefully as the event draws closer.
Please check the Hamilton Eisteddfod website regularly, as we will provide updates in our News section as our planning continues.
We look forward to seeing you in 2021, as we come together to celebrate the performing arts in Hamilton once again.
The Committee
City of Hamilton Eisteddfod Inc
2021 Eisteddfod details are now available
The Hamilton Eisteddfod website has been updated with details for the 2021 Hamilton Eisteddfod, including competition dates, schedules and General Conditions. Visit the 2021 Eisteddfod Details page to get started, and make sure you return in time to submit your entry.
Updated January 2021:
Due to the closure of the Hamilton Performing Arts Centre for roof replacement works, the Committee has delayed the opening of entries until an alternative venue can be arranged. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Read more about these developments here, and please visit the website regularly, to check for any updates about the 2021 competition.